Call now for a free roofing quote. 

Call now for a free roofing quote. 

Call now for a free roofing quote. 

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Get a free quote from a verified, licensed & insured Roofing PRO.

Better Quality, Better Build PROS

Better Build PROS has helped thousands of home and business owners repair and replace their roof. Call 1(866)404-0075 to schedule a free roofing inspection with one of our licensed and insured local Better Build Roofing PROS today.

Free Roofing Cost Calculator

Use our free and easy roofing cost calculator tool to help you get a better understanding of what it costs to reroof or replace your roof.

Experienced, Licensed & Insured PROS

With decades of experience in construction, we understand your roofing needs, whether it’s a residential or commercial roofing project. Connect with a dependable & experienced local roofer for your specific project. Call 1(866)404-0075 to schedule a free roofing quote with a Roofing PRO today.

Get a Free Quote

Call us today for a free and easy quote with a licensed & insured Roofing PRO.

Roof Replacement vs Repair

In both residential and commercial settings roofs have a set lifetime that can be cut short due to weather, lack of maintenance and the material they’re made from. One of the challenges that most Californian’s face are extreme dry spells with high UV impact. The UV and dry spells create chapping of most material like asphalt shingles, commonly found in residential roof settings, or roll-on roofing, commonly found in commercial roof settings.

One of the most important ways to track how well your roof is aging is to have it regularly inspected by a licensed roofing professional. Our experienced Roofing PROs can quickly identify the state of your roof, and can recommend repairs or replacement to better protect your home or business. Call 1(866)404-0075 to schedule an free roofing quote with a Roofing PRO today.

Common Roof Types

Both residential roofs and commercial roofs share a lot in common when it comes to the material they’re made from. Depending on the structure, both residential and commercial roofs can use architectural asphalt shingle roofing, various types of roll-on roofing for flat roofs, tiled roofing, and metal roofing.

While tiled roofing and metal roofing offer superior protection to most natural elements found in California, architectural asphalt shingles can also come with a lifetime warranty by the manufacturer to help protect your home or business for decades to come. Call 1(866)404-0075 to  schedule a free appointment with one of our Better Build Roofing PROS to discover roof replacement and repair options for all types of roofs.

Better Build Roofing PROS

Whether it’s a residential roof or a commercial roof, every roof must be repaired or replaced at one point. It’s very important to note that the difference between a long lasting roof replacement and one that falls apart in just a few years is the roofing professional that takes on the project.

Get a Free Quote

Get in touch with us by giving us a call at 1(866)404-0075 or by filling out the form below. We’re happy to help set a free appointment and answer any questions you may have.

Here’s how we’ve helped thousands with their home & business service needs

I’ve called at least 10 roofers trying to get a quote and it was incredibly hard to find a reliable and well priced roofer until I came across BetterBuildPros. I gave them a call andright away I was connected to a local honest roofer and they gave me the best price for my roof replacement! Thank you!!!

Janice W. Residential Roof

My neighbor told me about better build pros. I’m honestly amazed how easy it was to find a good roofer compared to calling around different roofers all day and trying to schedule estimates. The roof looks amazing and the roofer is now a friend! Thanks BBP

Frank M. Residential Roof

I’ve been recommending better build Pros to everyone! I had called 2 roofing companies before calling better build pros. Your roofer was conscious of my needs and time. They were on time to the appointment and everyday of reroofing. They were tidy and did a fantastic reroof for my office. Simple, great and professional.

Michael S. Commercial Roof